7.7 Tanabata

“Tanabata” is the day when Orihime and Hikoboshi meet in the Milky Way once a year.


Tanabata Story

Once upon a time, there was a daughter near the Milky Way. Her name is “Orihime” who is very good at weaving. Orihime’s father, the Emperor (God of Heaven), brought a young man for Orihime. His name is “Hikoboshi” and he was a serious hard worker who took good care of cows. Orihime and Hikoboshi fell in love at first sight and eventually got married.

However, as they spent more time together, they didn’t work any more.The kimono of the gods became tattered, and the cow became ill. The god of heaven, who was angry with this, separated them from each other across the Milky Way. Since then, the two have been crying and have lost their energy. The god of heaven felt sorry for them and promised, “If you work diligently like before, I will allow you to meet once a year.” After that, they began to work diligently, and once a year on July 7, they were able to meet across the Magpie Bridge over the Milky Way.

① Tanabata is an annual event that is celebrated ☆on the night of July 7.
Stars of Tanabata are Orihime’s “Vega” and Hikoboshi’s “Altair”. Both stars are the stars that have been popular in China and Japan for a long time, and are the brightest “first-class” stars in the summer night sky. It’s a very bright star, so you can find it in the city if the weather is nice. Vega and Altair shine apart, separated by the Milky Way, as in the Tanabata story.

② The Tanabata event has been held in Japan since the Nara period. At the beginning, it was a festival to ask women to improve their sewing, named after Orihime, the legend of Tanabata. It seems that it is an event that develops from there and originally hopes to improve the arts and skills.
The Tanabata song “5 colored TANZAKU strips-“, describes the colors blue, red, yellow, white, and black/purple, which originated from the Chinese theory of Yin Yang and the Five Elements. The five colors are meant to ward off evil.

Please write your wishes on any color strip of paper.

③ Tanabata Bamboo Grass Decoration
Traditional Bamboo Ornaments have their own meanings and thoughts.

  1. SASA (Bamboo Grass):Amulet
  2. KAMIKO (Paper Garments): Improve your sewing skills and no trouble finding clothes to wear. The dolls are used as substitutes for disaster.
  3. TANZAKU (Short Strips of Paper):for writing wishes for the improvement of learning, writing and handicraft etc.
  4. AMI-KAZARI (Net): to scoop up happiness, pray for a good harvest
  5. KUZUKAGO (Trush): to keep things clean and thrifty
  6. KINCHAKU (Drawstring purse): good luck with money, prosperity in business
  7. HOSHI (Star)/: for wishes to reach the stars
  8. HISHI-KAZARI (Diamond) & Ring decoration: Milky Way
  9. CHÔCHIN (Lantern): Lightening up your heart even in the difficulties
  10. Windsock/FUKINAGASHI: the thread of Orihime (the weaver), made with five colors to ward off evil
  11. Orizuru/Chiyozuru (Paper Crane): to pray for longevity
  12. Hikoboshi and Orihime: Eternal Love

④ Tanabata event food

In ancient China, a child who died on July 7th was believed to have become an evil spirit and brought misfortune, so to appease the spirit, the child’s favorite snack called “Sakubei” was offered. Sakubei was introduced to Japan in the Nara – Heian period (710-794) to pray for good health. It is a sweet made of wheat flour and rice flour, kneaded and deep-fried, similar to a “Karinto”,

Sômen, eaten on Tanabata, was originally offered to the gods and ancestors, to prevent being haunted. That is the reason why Sômen is a popular summer gift because of this episode.

⑤ The Tanabata Festival is held all over Japan, but the Sendai Tanabata Festival is the most famous.Tanabata is sometimes held on August 6, 7, and 8 depending on the area and the Lunar calendar. Originally, the Tanabata Festival was meant to be an offering to the gods in gratitude for a bountiful rice harvest, or an offering to the ancestors before the Bon Festival, so it was thought that moving the festival one month earlier due to the calendar would go against the original intention.

If you get to know the ancient feelings, you may be able to feel more like a festival.

Hope your wishes will come true on Tanabata.v

7.7 七夕(たなばた)












青                   木                徳を積む、人間力を高める

赤                   火                先祖や親に感謝

黄                   土                人を信じ、大切に思う

白                   金                義務や決まりを守る

黒/紫            水                学業向上を願う




  1. 笹(ささ):魔除け
  2. 紙衣(かみこ):裁縫の技能上達、着るものに困らないように。人形が災いへの身代わり。
  3. 短冊(たんざく):学問や書、手習いの上達などの願い事を書く
  4. 網飾り(あみ):幸せをすくい上げられるように、大漁豊作祈願
  5. くずかご:ものを粗末にしない、清潔と倹約
  6. 巾着(きんちゃく):金運上昇、商売繁盛
  7. 星(ほし):星に願いが届きますように
  8. 菱飾り(ひしかざり)&輪飾り:天の川
  9. 提灯(ちょうちん):つらく苦しいことがあっても、心を明るく照らしてくれるように
  10. 吹き流し(ふきながし):織姫の糸。5色で作ると魔除けにも
  11. 折り鶴(おりづる)千代鶴(ちよづる):延命長寿を祈る
  12. 彦星と織姫:永遠の愛








17.06. Zoom TSUMAMI-ZAIKU 〜Hortensie〜 つまみ細工講座 ~あじさい~


Datum : Do. 17.06.2021 von 20:00 Uhr


日本の伝統工芸つまみ細工を体験してみませんか? 毎回楽しみに参加してくださる方も、初心者の方も、今回は皆で一緒に紫陽花(あじさい)を作ります。ご希望の方には、夏の着物や浴衣に合わせて、“つまみ簪(かんざし)”へのアレンジもご提案します。

Tsumami-Zaiku ist das traditionelles Basteln und sie besteht aus japanischen Stoffen “Chirimen”.  Das Motiv dieses Kurses ist die Hortensie, welche im Frühsommer beliebt ist.  Außerdem kann man sie zum eigenen Tsumami-Kanzashi (japanischen Haarstab) verarbeiten. Egal ob Anfänger oder nicht, let’s make Tsumami-Zaiku together!  

つまみ細工であじさいを作る  -die Hortensie erstellen-


Der Teilnehmer des Tsumamikurses bekommt die Chirimenstoffe und dessen Zubehör (Photo A).  Für Anfänger eignet sich das Starterset (Photo B).  Bitte bereiten Sie außerdem ein Handtuch und eine Schere (Photo C) vor.

応用編;つまみ簪にチャレンジ -Tsumami-Kanzashi erstellen-


Tsumami-Kanzashi ist ein japanischer traditioneller Haarstab, der mit Tsumami-Zaiku geschmückt wird.  Wir präsentieren in der Sommerzeit einen cooles Kanzashi, entwerfen Sie sich eine eigene Haarnadel! Wenn Sie darüber hinaus die silbernen und goldenen Accessoires dazu behalten möchten, verschenken wir dazu zusätzlichen Chirimenstoffe. 


お申込み、お問い合わせはこちら Anmeldungsformular


Anmeldeschluss :  bis zum Do. 10.06.2021



Vielen Dank für Ihre Teilnahme !   Die nächste Veranstaltung findet im September?  statt
